Clone A Willy – Vibrating Penis plus Balls DIY Dildo Clone Molding Kit
Have you ever wanted a dildo that fits your body perfectly? You know, one that was just like your husband or boyfriend? Well, now you can! Clone A Willy Kit – Including Balls lets you make a mold of the penis and balls of your choice that is an exact replica of the real thing. Never be without the penis of your choice again! Clone-A-Willy’s penis casting kit captures incredible life-like detail, making it the most personalized cock casting kit on the planet. It’s fun and easy to do!Â
Each Clone-A-Willy Plus+ Balls Kit comes with:
- Body-safe, penis plus balls
diy dildo kit
light tone-colored silicone - Algae-based molding powder
- Molding tube
- Multi-speed vibrator
- Easy-to-follow instructions